World Labor Protection Day is celebrated on April 28

27 April 2024, Saturday

In order to draw public attention to problems in the field of occupational safety and promote the prevention of accidents and diseases in the workplace, World Occupational Safety Day is celebrated on April 28.


All over the world, governments, trade union organizations, and employers' organizations in the field of occupational safety organize activities to increase the involvement of all stakeholders in order to create a positive culture of occupational safety. Such a social dialogue allows you to actively participate in the decision-making process in the field of labor protection, contributes to the development of a more effective labor protection policy.


A positive workplace safety culture means that employers and employees jointly strive for a safe and healthy working environment and direct efforts to ensure it.


Where a high occupational safety culture is provided, employees do not hesitate to express concern about possible threats to their safety and health, and the employer takes the initiative to jointly search for effective and reliable solutions to emerging problems with employees.


Traditionally, on Labor Protection Day, thematic events aimed at injury prevention are held in the teams of customers, developers and contractors.

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